Monday, April 20, 2009

First Vocal OnSlaught on the Books, ON THE CASSETTE

45 minutes of magnetic tape suspended from the pipng lining the ceiling.

The first/premier evening of idio-sonus-motif complete. there was much indecipherable garble, repetitious stray words, mimesis, sonic versimiltudes, flocks of vowels and jovial sillyness.

after a while, we lay there under the reds, pinks and blues of the Save On Meats Sign and tried to repeat all the street sounds of buses stoping, people muttering, doors opening, cross-walk beeps, and motorcycles gunning their engines. 

I served japanese tea. I got distracted and I way-over-steeped it. It tasted terrible :)

The next Chorus Yeltzin will be MAY 14th at 8pm. Good tea will be served followed by 45 minutes of awkward soul music improvised by volunteerism.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Chorus Yeltsin, a new night of Vocal Idiocy April 16th, 2009

Every second Thursday at 8pm people sing, murmur, grattle, chamy, sing, tone, infra-sonic, boom vocal, collapse lungs, bio-decibel, sound morph, cadence obsolesce, refrain, negative sonus, verse versus, noise: together or solo-apart to make an unchoir:...

This night is not about performance, yet it joyfully prances in its vocal autopoesis.

Location: 45 west hastings

Eggs at our Town Cafe, April 5th 2009

While there was no photo documentation that I am aware of for this show, the events are well documented in my crainial cramdery. After the participACTION blessing from the Hal Johnson and Joanne McLoed eggs, the eggs and the water (soup bucket) ejected their contents onto the Broadway and Main Street intersection. We circled the block for a SPRAUUNTY avec ghettobasts, there was a Hal Johnson EGG HUNT, and the true orgins of easter, geometry, and the olympics were taught. 

There was an excelent turn out and Chris-s-riffic was Terr-i-ffic, as was Hermetic.

Thanks all for making that night magnificent.