Friday, April 10, 2009

Eggs at our Town Cafe, April 5th 2009

While there was no photo documentation that I am aware of for this show, the events are well documented in my crainial cramdery. After the participACTION blessing from the Hal Johnson and Joanne McLoed eggs, the eggs and the water (soup bucket) ejected their contents onto the Broadway and Main Street intersection. We circled the block for a SPRAUUNTY avec ghettobasts, there was a Hal Johnson EGG HUNT, and the true orgins of easter, geometry, and the olympics were taught. 

There was an excelent turn out and Chris-s-riffic was Terr-i-ffic, as was Hermetic.

Thanks all for making that night magnificent.


  1. I was there! And I never thought I would learn a thing or two, but I did.
